Entry 21 (Bashful Batmen) could not manage the first of the jumps in the course and "Zoink", "Bang" one of his tires gave up.
Entry 23 (Lands of Time Capsules) got into a shaky start and lost speed during the course but it made it in one piece to the finish line.
Entry 25 (Duck Rockers) from the Duck Tours company, their amphibious truck are a familiar sight here in Seattle unfortunately one of the tires could not handle the last turn and the driver had to do a "Fred Flintstone" for the last 20 yards.
Entry 28 (SKOB) was really memorable, not because it performed a great run, but because a banana was riding a gorilla.. yeah you read it right.
Entry 30 (Flying Taco) manged the jumps and corners with great speed and confidence but it overcompensated during the last turn and made an unscheduled stop at a bale of hay.
You can watch Entries 2 to 30 here.
Beto Jubei