Another 4th of July, another Anime Expo.

Once again this year's convention was held at the familiar grounds of the Los Angeles Convention Center and with an estimated 80k+ attendees (last year it maxed out at 61K people) it pushed not only the registration systems to its limits but also the brave volunteers that keep this convention together and the overall capacity of the convention center to handle the flow of people moving from one part of the building to the other trying to attend a panel.

I remember a line from the World War Z movie when Brad Pitt goes to Israel and meets with a mossad agent and he talks about the Tenth Man strategy, where if nine people agree on a plan or course of action, it is the responsibility of the Tenth Man to take the opposite stand and work towards that goal.

Maybe a Tenth Man could have said: "we are going to have more that 55k people trying to register on the first day", "critical data on the registration systems will be lost", "this year we are going to have an increase of attendance of more than 20%" and then workout a plan of action under these parameters.

Overall we have lots of fun and we were very lucky to be able to attend several key panels which I will be posting on out site daily.

Now if you excuse me, suddenly I have the need to wait in line in front of my bathroom... but nobody else is here... weird.


The Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame Welcomes Hayao Miyazaki

The EMP Museum in Seattle has released a list of the new members for their Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.

Hayao Miyazaki shares this honor together with Leigh Brackett, Frank Frazetta, Stanley Kubrick, and Olaf Stapledon

For more info, visit

Congratulations Miyazaki san!


Sakura Con Photo Gallery

Sakura Con offered plenty of photo opportunities not only to take pictures of cosplayers walking around the convention center, but the Opening\Closing Ceremonies, the different panels with the Guests of Honor and of course the Cosplay Competition kept our trigger finger happy and our memory cards full.

You can see all the pictures we took at Sakura Con is here.

WIT Studio Panel

WIT Studio is a very young animation studio, founded as a subsidiary of Production I.G no more that 3 years ago, it has gain a gigantic respect in the animation industry for the quality and speed they create amazing animation.

In this panel, Tetsuya Nakatake (Animation Producer\Co-Founder of WIT Studio) and Kyoji Asano (Art Director and Designer) talk about the origins of this studio and their ongoing success with their anime adaptation of the Attack on Titan manga series.

Watch the panel here.

From Fan To Pro

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

"Someone will pay me to watch Anime, read Manga and go to Conventions; where do I sign." - Beto Jubei.

In this panel, L. B. Bryat will talk about his personal journey from his humble origins as a Anime\DVD reviewer to a journalist covering people and events with deadlines, editorial responsibilities and several bosses. Watch the panel here.

Mecha History and Cultural Impact

Giant Robots and Japanese animation go side-by-side like raw fish and rice.

But have you ever wonder what was the original giant robot, is there a limit to their size and capabilities? are there any guidelines each giant robot has to follow?

For everything you wanted to know about giant robots but were afraid to ask, watch this very educational panel here