All Hail Netflix for the Wii

We have a new obsession and its name is Netflix for the Wii.

In the beginning I was skeptical about how reliable this service would be. I heard about the console’s graphic processing power, or lack thereof, and the fact that we have our console connected to the Internet via WiFi, but soon I was proved wrong and now we are hooked to it.

A couple of weekends ago I got a terrible headache and spent all day Sunday curled on the couch watching all 26 episodes of Claymore. During the whole day, the only problem that I experienced was on three occasions the system paused the streaming for about 5 seconds to re-buffer the video, that's all.

Don’t be discouraged by the limited amount of movies and categories that you will see the first time you login. After selecting a couple of movies or TV shows, the system will provide you with a plethora of suggestions based on the things that you have previously watched or have in queue to watch. Remember searching for a movie or TV series is always an option.

Granted, there are some nights when the system is running slow and the buffering window appears more times than desired, but almost every night Kim and I jump into the Wii to watch movies or episodes of series that we missed, instead of renting them from the AT&T system.

What is your current form of media entertainment?

Roberto (Beto Jubei) Ramirez
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